Higher Self Connection Spray - Awareness and Intuition

Higher Self Connection Spray - Awareness and Intuition

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This spray is in a beautiful deep purple and gold two-tone bottle.  It contains very high vibration oils that enhance alignment and connection with your own inner voice.

This spray replaces Lilac Light where we asked for guidance and insight.  Now we take the journey a step further to remembering that we had the answers all along.  We ride back to the seat of our own souls and connect to our Higher Self. 

Its new, heavenly, multi-layered scent and vibrational signature was inspired by Prince. He's a member of the Heart Squad that Amanda channels and his message has been consistent.  You must dig deep and find your own well of inspiration and resource, something you can only do when you know yourself! For a long while, this spray had a working title of "Purple Reign" in dedication to his help.

Archangel Metatron's words, as channelled by Amanda:

Socrates once posited that "to really know thyself is the beginning of wisdom.'"  Centuries later as a species, we still need to hear and understand these words.

This Higher Self spray helps you to settle and be still.  It will help you to quieten your need for distractions and be ready to hear your own voice, your inner knowing and to learn to trust that.

So often we seek confirmation and answers outside of ourselves.  Yet all the wisdom we seek is within us.  Lifetime after lifetime of experience, knowledge, and growth is inside  of YOU.  We come to this life and this body in which we temporarily reside with a library of energy, tools, information and guidance available to us.

Our inner library is taken from the Akashic Records and we come, Metatron says, with 'all the relevant files' we need for everything that may happen to us in this lifetime. The inner library is accessible via our hearts and minds.  Both work together to bring solutions, soothing, healing, ideas and insight for each step on our path. 

Seeking external advice is not frowned upon by Metatron.  It can help you grow, can aid you in adding to your library of knowledge.  Always remember those 'files' you already own that you brought with you.  Some of you have not read or looked at them since arriving here. They are 'dusty', unused, disregarded.  But NOW is the moment to access them, remember what you had simply forgotten, and realise how much you DO KNOW.

You are reminded of your own divinity as a spark of God.  You are asked 'do you trust that God light?' This spray teaches you how.  Via a portal, it reminds you to check in with yourself.

To ask: How am I doing?  What do I know?  How do I feel?  What feels true?  What feels wrong?

To hone your discernment, your knowing and to learn to lean on yourself.  To honour what you do know whilst remaining open to opportunities to learn more.

Another aspect of this spray is to bring you into greater union with who you truly are.  We often run away from ourselves.  Using this spray is an invitation to get closer to your soul and what makes you uniquely YOU.

Suggested uses: In meditation.  You can add in a mantra if you wish or you can say your own name in your mind.  Dive as deep as you want and sit and learn to be at peace with yourself, this body, this incarnation, this particular chapter of your soul's journey through time. 

You can also use it to travel back or into the future.  To meet different versions of yourself and all you have been or can become.  It can centre you firmly to the present moment and all that is.

It's useful for working on creative projects like writing, music and  business ideas.

It's useful for shadow work when used in conjunction with the Midnight Indigo spray, adding layers of depth and nuance to travelling back into the void.

A stunning combination of crystal energies are contained within this spray. They include:

Ammonite, a labradorite octahedron, nuummite, chrysanthemum, amethyst and clear quartz with rutile.

Nuummite has many qualities - this is taken from https://www.ksccrystals.com/ where this and all the  other crystals were bought too.

"The 'Stone of Meditation’ brings support and guidance toward deep relaxation, astral travel, visualisation and meditation. 

Nuummite helps calm and stabilise in preparation for a deep relaxed state. It is a stone that declutters the mind, whilst improving focus.  Nuummite enhances the dream state, bringing higher insight and guided states of lucidity.  Alongside this, Nuummite supports the being with the whole process of astral travel. This is a stone that also gives protection and works to improve and strengthen meditation and visualisation.  A stone that can help to supervise altered states of reality; Nuummite becomes a guide and a channel.

The purple and gold colours of this spray also add an energy of leadership.  You are commanding and you can be the captain of your own ship (life). Purple is a colour associated with power and authority and gold is a show of your divine connection. The colours help give you confidence, strength and renewed determination to be YOU. 

The sacred geometric symbol on the spray is the seed of life which links to the 7 days of creation and the start of a whole new journey where you really start to learn more about yourself.  What makes you tick?  What brings joy?  What puts you into and out of alignment with your journey?

He asks what are YOU creating?  We create every minute of every day through our actions, thoughts and deeds.

This Higher Self spray helps you choose well.  It's a guide to the wisest, most ancient loving part of yourself.  It's the bridge back to self, all under Metatron's watchful eye.

Welcome home. 

Channelled Words by  Amanda Ellis August 21st 2020 

50ml Energy Spray

Essential Oils: Ylang ylang, pink lotus and rose absolute.

Crystal Essence: Ammonite, a labradorite octahedron, nuummite, chrystanthemum, amethyst and clear quartz with rutile.




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Customer Reviews

Based on 19 reviews
Heather White
Love them!

I've been following Amanda and so wanted to try the sprays she uses.
I bought two and love them, I give myself a spritz before meditating and love the whirling feeling above. So pleased you could send this to Canada.


I just purchased 10 of the sprays and this is my favorite! I had the biggest reaction to it. I smells Divine! I immediately felt "High"!!! I felt like I was taken to a high Angelic Place. Pure Love, Pure Light! Amazing product. All of these sprays have been filled with Love and Light and Divinely Blessed. Thank You!

corrinna armour
Smells devine

I have purchased many sprays but I think this one has the best scent so far! I have been feeling lost in life, so using this spray to channel my inner self and shine a light on my soul path to find my way x

Tracy Mills
Home is where the Heart is

This is such a gorgeous spray. Another one of my favourites.
The essential oils used are pure magic, expertly put together. Immediately I feel calm, centred & connected. I use this when meditating & doing work on self. What a beautiful bottle too.
Thank you Amanda, Tracy & the ACC Team. 🙏🏼💞🪷🕯️💜

elisabeth Valentine Kristiansen
My favorite ever spray!

This spray is divine. I use it before every coaching session I do plus before any big decisions. This is my second time buying. Plus the scent is wonderful