Moon Magic Aura Spray
One of our earliest memories is the moon, we all at one time looked up and pointed
at the moon, so far away, yet feeling so near – the light that filled our bedtime world,
cast away the darkness and its glow and reflection started a lifetime of wondering
The child within who asked "Why, why, why" … who searched for answers, wanted to
understand the mysteries of life, why was the moon so bright, why was the sky blue,
and the grass green Mummy?
If we were lucky we had a parent who tried to answer but as we grew up we lost
our inquisitiveness, we may have settled for "this is just the way things are" – we
became fully earthbound, lost that sense of wonder and connection of seeing life
through a child’s eyes who wanted to look up, dream, marvel and bathe in the
Forever present, our grandparent moon – both Grandmother and Grandfather – the
wisdom of the Ying and Yang – the one we can always turn to, to reflect, ask, receive
and learn from:
Of the rhythms and cycles of life
Of the changing tides in fortune and destined paths
Of the nature of our bodies, their growth spurts and decline
Of our emotions and who we are at essence
Of understanding the land, the earth and her delicate balance and synergy
Of our records of who we have been, who we are now and what we may become.
If we only turn to her, if we only turn to him …
Grandparent Moon – Shining sometimes so bright and other times dimmed but the
pulse and energy emitted always there, a constant friend, a confidant, compass,
guide and wise counsel.
The Moon is part of us – part of our human history and remains a faithful servant to
our Earth – dancing and weeping with us. Travailing and journeying on, as night
follows day and the years go by.
A constant presence, a forgotten ally and mentor, throughout our whole life.
Let this Aura Spray, dedicated to the Moon’s magic, rekindle that relationship with this
majestic cosmic being.
Use it to help balance the changing rhythm from full moon to new and all phases in
between – every month from release to allowing in the new – the Moon’s blessings
and healing and steady presence can be heightened by using this spray to
remember to turn to her/him for support and guidance.
Benefits and Usage:
For use at any time through the moons cycle:
at new moon to help set intentions, birth new ideas and start new initiatives, to
plan and launch things, businesses, relationships, or to reset and begin anew in any
area of life.
Spray whilst setting in motion powerful manifestations via journalling, gridwork,
healing, meditation and more.
At half moon – halfway on its journey to being full, so a pit stop moment to check in
with yourself – a reminder of the intentions set at new moon and what maybe isn’t
working that may require releasing at next full moon. This should be a place of non-
judgement of self, just reflection and possible modification before next steps taken.
Whatever is occurring the Moon urges you on, gives you strength and fuel to
maintain momentum. A significant aspect of a half moon energy is to check your
alignment and balance, spray and tune in to where imbalance maybe (eg. thoughts,
behaviours and focus) and use it to bring correction to these places within you.
At full moon - a moment of ripeness, appreciation for your life and who you are.
An expansion and illumination of all, heightening energy, emotion and passions.
Serving to remind you to unburden, let go, remove and clear that which you no
longer need or is gone.
Use the spray to release fears, worries and concerns (surrendering them to
Grandparent Moon).
For any phase that the Moon is in, this spray can be used in meditation, gridwork, to
aid journalling, connection to the essence of the Moon and for asking guidance.
A great spray also if something needs to be kept confidential, hidden, secret
(including a lovely surprise).
To also help with sleep, recall of dreams, tapping into subconscious feelings and
To help balance emotions, including feminine ones linked to the menstrual cycle.
To aid women in the phases of Maiden, Mother/Nurturer and Crone.
To set sacred space for moon rituals, ceremonies and sacred gatherings.
To shine like the moonlight and bask in its glow in your aura.
In a stunning silver and midnight blue metallic finish bottle, contains:
Essential Oils:
White Lotus, Star Anise, Neroli, Eucalyptus and Myrrh.
Crystal Essence:
A genuine certified piece of real moon rock, pearls, moonstone, black moonstone, labradorite moon, selenite moon, Goddess Spirit quartz, Amazez (combination of amethyst, quartz and smoky quartz).
Each 50 ml spray contains a moonstone chip