Alphabetical Index - Suggested Sprays

This is a list of some common spiritual, emotional and physical issues and suggestions for sprays that could help. We advise you to also read the channelled message for each spray and make your decision based on whether this resonates with you or not. This is intended as a starting point and guide only and is not exhaustive - it is important to use your intuition and discernment when making a final decision. Only you know what's best for you. Namaste!

Acceptance - Sapphire Divine Peace, Higher Self Connection & Alignment Spray

Anger, soothing - Archangel Uriel - Loving Service & Light, Master Jesus, Christ Light.

Anxiety - Fear Fighter, Air Element (Breathe), Sapphire Divine Peace, Golden Citrine Solar Plexus Chakra.

Awakening - Archangel Metatron Flame Attunement & Connection, Silver Crown Chakra.

Abundance - Crimson Base Chakra, Archangel Jophiel - Beauty & Harmony.

Balance - Emerald Renewal & Recovery, Water Element (Flow)

Business Affairs including Legal - Archangel Uriel - Loving Service & Light, Magenta Bridge Time & Self Mastery

Bullying - My Superpower, Archangel Michael - Safety & Communication

Bereavement - Bluebell Bridge Loss & Grief, Archangel Chamuel - Love & Peace, Hope - Positive Mindset, Master Jesus - Christ Light

Boundaries - Crimson Base Chakra, Spiritual Protection, Guiding Light

Caregiving - Quan Yin - Mercy & Compassion, Mother Mary - Harbour Light, Pink Lotus Heart Chakra, Archangel Chamuel - Love & Peace

Calming - Sapphire Divine Peace & Fear Fighter

Channelling - Rainbow Bridge - Gateway & Connection,Teal Alta Major Chakra, Aquamarine Throat Chakra, Cosmos Element (Expand)

Christ Consciousness, Connection to - Master Jesus - Christ Light

Confusion/Clarity - Silver Crown Chakra, Air Element (Breathe), Archangel Gabriel - Soul Calling & Guidance

Communication - Aquamarine Throat Chakra, Archangel Michael - Safety & Communication, Archangel Gabriel - Soul Calling & Guidance

Compassion - Quan Yin - Mercy & Compassion, Pink Lotus Heart Chakra, Archangel Chamuel - Love & Peace, Mother Mary - Harbour Light

Courage - Violet Dragon Master Clearance & Danger Defence,  Fire Element (Action), Wood Dragon Connection & Support, Kali Ma -Warrior Goddess, Liberation & Rebirth, Archangel Uriel - Loving Service & Light

Convalescence - Healing Unicorn - Rest & Receive, Emerald - Renewal & Recovery,

Chakra Support - 12 chakra support sprays available from Earth Star to Stellar Gateway

Desire - Tangerine Blush Sacral Chakra, Sanat Kumara - Love & Light Activation, Crimson Base Chakra

Discernment - Golden Citrine Solar Plexus Chakra, Kali Ma - Warrior Goddess, Liberation & Rebirth, Silver Crown Chakra, Higher Self Connection & Alignment, Teal Alta Major Chakra

Divine Feminine Connection - Mary Magdalene - Divine Feminine Connection, Kali Ma - Warrior Goddess, Liberation & Rebirth, Quan Yin - Mercy & Compassion, Mother Mary - Harbour Light

Divine Masculine Connection - Beloved Joseph - Divine Protector, Master Jesus - Christ Light

Divorce/Separation/Relationship Breakdown - Sunrise New Dawn, Lavender Soul Star Chakra, Archangel Raphael - Balance & Harmony

Dragon energy, connecting to - Violet Dragon - Master Clearance & Danger Defence, Wood Dragon - Connection & Support

Depression - Lemon Joy & Happiness, Archangel Jophiel -  Beauty & Wisdom, Hope - Positive Mindset, Sunrise New Dawn

Duality - Midnight Indigo, Pure White - Light Download

Empowerment, self - Kali Ma - Warrior Goddess, Liberation & Rebirth, Golden Citrine Chakra, Violet Dragon - Master Clearance & Danger Defence, Flame Attunement & Connection Spray

Ego - Calming or Balancing - Beloved Joseph - Divine Protector, Pink Lotus Heart Chakra, Archangel Sandalphon Bronze Earth Star chakra

Exams/Education/Study, Support with - Archangel Jophiel - Beauty & Widom

Exhausted/Tired - Jade Higher Heart Chakra, Emerald Renewal & Recovery, Healing Unicorn - Rest & Receive, also try using Fire Element (Action) and Crimson Base Chakra together for a boost of energy.

Environmental Issues/Land - Merlin's Woodland Brew, Archangel Sandalphon Earth Star Chakra, Earth Element (Ground)

Family Issues - Ancestral Healing, Archangel Chamuel - Love & Beauty, Pink Lotus Heart Chakra, Crimson Base Chakra

Fairies/Elementals, Connection to - Merlin's Woodland Brew, All Element Sprays (Fire, Earth, Water, Air and Cosmos)

Finding your voice - Aquamarine Throat Chakra, Teal Alta Major Chakra, Kali Ma - Warrior Goddess, Liberation & Rebirth, Fire Element (Action)

Fatherhood, issues around - Beloved Joseph - Divine Protector,  Archangel Uriel - Loving Service & Light, Archangel Michael - Communication & Safety

Fear - Fear Fighter, Violet Dragon - Danger Defence & Clearance, Kali Ma - Warrior Goddess,Liberation & Rebirth, Archangel Uriel - Loving Service & Light, Sapphire Divine Peace 

Finding your gifts - Silver Crown Chakra, Golden Citrine Solar Plexus Chakra, Higher Self Connection & Alignment

Finding your voice - AquamarineThroat Chakra, Lavender Soul Star Chakra

Family issues/Relationship Support -  Ancestral Healing, Archangel Chamuel - Love & Beauty

Forgiveness - Archangel Zadkiel - Forgiveness & Transmutation, Quan Yin - Mercy & Compassion

Freedom - Air Element (Breathe), Hope - Positive Mindset

Galactic Connection - Commander Ashtar, Cosmos Element (Expand)

Gender Issues - Rose Inner Child, Sapphire Divine Peace, Lavender Soul Star Chakra, Higher Self Connection and Alignment

Grounding - Archangel Sandalphon Bronze Earth Star chakra, Earth Element (Ground), Crimson Base chakra, Emerald Renewal & Recovery

Guilt - Mary Magdalene - Divine Feminine, Mother Mary - Harbour Light, Kali Ma - Warrior Goddess, Liberation & Rebirth, Quan Yin - Mercy & Compassion 

Guides, finding your - Higher Self Connection & Alignment, Tanzanite Third Eye Chakra, Silver Crown Chakra

Harmony and Balance - Emerald Renewal & Recovery, Water Element (Flow), Pink Lotus Heart Chakra, Earth Element (Ground), Archangel Raphael - Harmony & Balance

Ideas/Inspiration - Archangel Gabriel - Soul Calling & Guidance, Silver Crown Chakra, Rose Gold Stellar Gateway, Tangerine Blush Sacral Chakra

Infection risk/Immune System - Meta-Pirate & Jade Higher Heart Chakra

Inspiration/Ideas - Archangel Gabriel & Tanzanite

Joy - Sunrise New Dawn, Lemon Joy & Happiness, Archangel Jophiel - Beauty & Wisdom

Kundalini - Fire Element (Action), Crimson Base Chakra, Teal Alta Major Chakra

Letting go - Bluebell Bridge Loss & GriefLavender Soul Star Chakra, Hope - Positive Mindset

Life Purpose - Archangel Gabriel - Soul Calling & Guidance, Archangel Uriel - Loving Service & Light, Beloved Joseph - Divine Protector

Loneliness -   Golden Citrine Solar Plexus chakra, Mother Mary - Safe Harbour,  Healing Unicorn - Rest & Receive

Love - Sanat Kumara - Love & Light Activation,  Archangel Chamuel - Love & Beauty

Low self esteem - Rainbow Unicorn - Playtime & Creativity, My Super Power

Magic, connect to - Merlin Connection & Mentorship, Rainbow Unicorn - Playtime & Creativity

Meditation - Pink Lotus Heart Chakra, Cosmos Element (Expand), Tanzanite Third Eye Chakra, Higher Self Connection & Alignment

Metatron, Connection to - Flame Attunement and Connection Spray

Motivation - Fire Element (Action), My Super Power, Kali Ma - Warrior Goddess, Liberation & Rebirth, Emerald - Renewal & Recovery

Mother Issues/Mothering - Mother Mary - Harbour Light, Quan Yin - Mercy & Compassion, Mary Magdalene - Divine Feminine, Kali Ma - Warrior Goddess, Liberation & Rebirth


Obstacles, removal of - Kali Ma - Warrior Goddess, Liberation & Rebirth, Violet Dragon - Master Clearance & Danger Defence, Silver Crown Chakra

Optimum Health - Crimson Base Chakra, Emerald Renewal & Recovery, Pure White Download

Parental Support - Mother Mary - Harbour Light, Beloved Joseph - Divine Protector, Quan Yin - Mercy & Compassion, Archangel Uriel - Loving Service & light

Portals/Gateways, entering - Rose Gold Stellar Gateway, Flame Attunement & Connection, Rainbow Ray Upgrade & Expansion, Commander Ashtar

Positivity - Hope - Positive Mindset, Lemon Joy & Happiness, Archangel Jophiel - Beauty & Wisdom

Procrastination - Kali Ma - Warrior Goddess, Liberation & Rebirth, Violet Dragon - Master Clearance & Danger Defence, Fire Element (Action)

Protection - Spiritual Protection - Guiding Light, Archangel Michael - Safety & Communication, Silver Crown Chakra, Jade Higher Heart chakra, Armour of God

Quandary, decision making - Golden Citrine Solar Plexus chakra, Magenta Bridge Time & Self Mastery,Teal Alta Major Chakra

Raise your vibration - Rose Gold Stellar Gateway Chakra, Rainbow Ray Upgrade & Expansion, Pure White Download

Relationship Breakdown/Divorce/Separation/ - Sunrise New Dawn, Lavender Soul Star Chakra, Archangel Raphael - Balance & Harmony

Release emotional blocks - Pure White Download, Water Element (Flow)

Self Love - Rose Inner Child, Mother Mary - Harbour Light

Sexuality/Intimacy - Mary Magdalene - Divine Feminine, Tangerine Blush Sacral Chakra

Sleep - Sweet Dreams, Sapphire Divine Peace, Lavender Soul Star Chakra

Spiritual growth - Higher Self Connection & Alignment, Tanzanite Third eye Chakra

Starseeds - Commander Ashtar, Cosmos Element (Expand), Earth Element (Ground)

Time Issues - Magenta Bridge - Time & Self Mastery


Third Eye, opening of - Tanzanite Third Eye Chakra, Higher Self Connection & Alignment, Silver Crown Chakra

Tired/Exhausted - Jade Higher Heart Chakra, Emerald Renewal & Recovery, Healing Unicorn - Rest & Receive

Travel (first aid kit) - Meta Pirate Anti Viral, Earth Element (Ground), Spiritual Protection - Guiding Light, Magenta Bridge - Time & Self Mastery

Trust, building - Beloved Joseph - Divine Protector, Master Jesus - Christ Light

Twin Flame Journey - Sanat Kumara - Love & Light Activation 

Uplifting - Lemon Joy & Happiness, Sunrise New Dawn, Archangel Jophiel - Love & Beauty, Hope - Positive Mindset

Unicorns, connect to - Healing Unicorn - Rest & Receive, Rainbow Unicorn - Playtime & Creativity, Unicorn Unity - 7th Dimension Connection Spray

Violet Flame - Lavender Soul Star Chakra, Archangel Zadkiel - Forgiveness & Transmutation

Violet Pill/Walking the middle path - Lavender Soul Star Chakra, Tanzanite Third Eye Chakra, Unicorn Unity - 7th Dimension Connection Spray

Wake up call - Archangel Metatron Flame Attunement & Connection spray, Tanzanite Third Eye Chakra, Archangel Sandalphon Bronze Earth Star Chakra 

Worry, to soothe - Midnight Indigo, Sunrise New Dawn, Hope - Positive Mindset, Lavender Soul Star Chakra

Wounding, emotional - Archangel Raphael - Balance & Harmony, Emerald Renewal & Recovery, Rose Inner Child, Pink Lotus Heart Chakra

Young at heart, staying  - Rainbow Unicorn Playtime & Creativity

 Zen, finding your - Sapphire Divine Peace, Unicorn Unity - 7th Dimension Connection spray