"Feel safe and at peace as I am with you. Feel empowered and supported because I am around you. Feel ready to face whatever is in front of you, knowing that I have your back and all is well. Within my protective care, no harm can befall you, and no darkness can invade your body, mind or energy field.
My force is stronger than all others, I fear nothing and no-one. I am the ruler of the Sacred Circle of Light and Dark, Duality and Balance and will always ensure the highest outcome for any eventuality, situation or relationship. My sword is there to protect, not harm. It is a warning to any that seek to lower you, destroy you or diminish you in any way. A deterrent that doesn’t need to be used as its power goes before it. It shields you, guides you as you venture or stumble into lower vibrational territory. Know that such territory also includes your own mind. Lower-self thoughts that attempt to derail you from your mission and purpose here, and seek to destabilise you will not break through my protection.
By maintaining a healthy light filled aura, you are able to rise above negative energy and stay more with your higher self which is what I always steer you to be in alignment with. Like attracts like and energy attracts energy. My protective duty of care for you is ongoing. It works through day and night, year after year. I am always there, but you have to invoke me as you have free will.
I watch over this planet and I watch over you. I watch over the elements here on earth, the waves of the sea, the ground upon which you walk. I am within the stars and the sun, the light and the love. I have many angels working with me to help. You are truly never alone. You are safe, and always will be. All is well."
This spray contains the Silver light of strength, purification and truth, together with the violet energy of transmutation and forgiveness for those that wrong us.
Like an early warning system, this spray flashes up any incoming negative energy that is alien to you and repels it back to the sender with love. This way, those that seek to harm learn the consequences of wrongdoing and weaken whilst you strengthen from never having been affected in the first place.
Used regularly, this spray builds up a wonderful protective field around you. It blocks and filters away that which is not needed and only allows in energy that is loving and light filled.
Spiritual Protection and good spiritual hygiene is essential as we navigate our paths and engage with a world that can be at times hostile, negative, deeply wounded, and still in shadow. This is true of our dealings in everyday life via people we physically meet but also those online - bad energy can be directed at us either unintentionally or intentionally. Many people are simply unaware of their behaviour and energy and the effect it can have on others. It is also true of dysfunctional family dynamics too.
We can also pick up negativity and toxicity from media, the entertainment industry, gossip, and the horrors of the world eg war and stories of murder and rape. If we are not protected in some way our energy will become diminished, particularly if we are sensitive and 'take on' the problems of the world and others. It is also true if we are over givers and others take too much from us - or we are in jobs which take a lot out of us emotionally eg counselling, nursing, legal work. When we are depleted, (however it has occurred), we are then less able to respond as we may desire - protection is also about insuring we fill our own cup first - as no one can pour from an empty cup.
Another word for protection is fortification - it implies a strengthening rather than a weakened position of doing something via fear.
We should not be in a fear based state when we use spiritual protection tools - this includes putting on the Armour of God, that can be done in tandem with using these sprays. Rather we are acknowledging the world and its swirling energies is not perfect - but know with 100% faith and trust that we are equipped to be able to deal with that, with easy regular daily practise - in the same way you put on a coat if it is cold - you put on your spiritual protection and then go about your day...
Suggested uses:- Daily, at the start of a day and before bed. Spray around whole aura including your back and Alta Major Point (small hollow at back of neck.) Breathe in the scent. Ask for protection and easy flow of positive light into your being and aura.
This spray acts in the AURA. It is a preventative system of maintenance and care.
50ml Energy Spray.
Essential Oils: Palo Santo, camphor, frankincense, ginger, geranium, eucalyptus, rosemary and juniper
Crystal Essence: Pyrite pyramid, shungite dragon tower, hematite, tiger's eye, black tourmaline, black kyanite, smoky quartz, clear quartz