Magenta - As Above So Below
Magenta - As Above So Below
Magenta - As Above So Below
Magenta - As Above So Below
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  • Load image into Gallery viewer, Magenta - As Above So Below

Magenta - As Above So Below

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Magenta was one of the first colours that Archangel Metatron requested, when this range of aura sprays was created in 2012.

Over the years, our Magenta Spray has had several different names, shades, hues and guises – this is because as a colour it reflects where we are heading – being the bridge to the new. In many ways it is a template holder – of where we are now but also what we could be … collectively and individually. It holds the energy of both promise and potential.

As a bottle it has been titled many things; Divine Love, Heaven to Earth, Time Self Mastery and As Above So Below. Now in 2025 we are going to release a limited edition of Magenta, in an opaque gloss bottle, titled As Above So Below again. I feel the vibration of the denser earthiness of this colour is needed to ground in new vibrations, ideas, beliefs and paradigms since Pluto went finally into Aquarius at the end of last year and will remain there for 19 years … we really ARE finally birthing a new age …

Current times have taught that polarization, separation and division sucks (!) - it hurts every one of us because the gnawing hunger it creates is for the need to be at peace and to feel at HOME with each other.

The only way for mankind to achieve this is via a New Dimension and vision to arrive. What is this new vision? It is Unity Consciousness - the remembrance that you are I are ONE, that you are my brother or sister - that what unites us is greater than what divides us and that the heart is the portal through which we gain access to this new energy shift.

As above so Below reminds us, we all came from the same place to earth, and will return – to make the most of the time we have. Entwined with Magenta this spray will also help remind us of what internal programs we are running – that what we put out to the universe we get back and that we can help create beauty in our world via our thoughts, actions and deeds – that by focussing on evolving and going higher we can extend our roots and foundations to make something lasting and worthwhile. Working with the Magenta ray will help us master what we struggle with, our saboteurs, fears and anxiety. We can ask Metatron to help us get to the next level and he will encourage us to step into new territory, whether that is to do with love, career, family or any aspect of life where you are ready to change, evolve and grow. In many ways this is THE spray that is the helper for all 55 qualities, challenges and issues raised in the Archangel Metatron Self Mastery Oracle deck. For example:

Boundaries, Conquering Fear, Priorities, Letting Go, Grounding, Freedom, Nurturing, Appreciation, Flow, Self-Examination, and Healing and Gifts. To master anything however, we need to give ourselves time to do so; via being in sync with the rhythm, cycles and chapters of life. Knowing instinctively when to act and when to cease, just as we know when to sleep or when to eat.

This spray helps you be in sync with your day, life chapter, age and season. It helps you slow down when you need to rest or pause, recover, or convalesce, it also helps you get motivated when you need to focus and attend to a task at hand. A useful trick is to spray it around you before the start of a busy day – it helps you complete what needs to be done, but also to be present whilst doing so. In a wider sense, Magenta also teaches us to make the time that we have well spent, to live a life where we enjoy it to the full and to learn from each moment, all moments make up the entirety of an existence – the roots, branches, fruits of our labours – there is a time and reason for everything.

As a colour magenta is linked to the physical body, it requires us to tune in to how we are, to listen to our accelerated breath or butterflies in the stomach and to soothe, if necessary, the worried brow. Letting your body know it has the time, that you will tend to its needs and listen to its murmurings is again a key use of this spray. You have time to stop, to heal, to face what is arising, to be present with yourself and with life – you are worth it and the pink qualities of magenta bestow that remembrance within you.

Whilst meditating, and using this spray ask yourself: How do I spend my time? Do I rush through life or am I truly present? Do I waste my time on that which is irrelevant – and will the piece of gossip or news, person or thing that occupies my fixated attention still matter in a few days, months, or years? Is it REALLY that important?

In many ways Magenta gets you back on track, it shows you what is significant today, giving the strength to do it to the best of your ability. It clears mind clutter, scattered thinking and that which is meaningless.

From this solid platform, longer term growth and new beginnings naturally arise.Magenta is also a colour that many healers are attracted to it reminds them to receive as well as give – to get the balance right, as above so below the Red (material world) and Violet (spiritual world) both are important – both need attending to and honouring.

50ml Energy Spray.

With rose quartz crystal chip in each bottle

Essential Oils:  Cardomon, frankincense, basil, cinnamon, petitgrain, ylang ylang

Crystal Essence: Cerussite, ruby, bay of stoer suevite, turquoise and rhodocrosite. Suggested uses:- Times of change, birthing a new age in your life like a new job, new relationship or stage within a relationship (eg new baby, empty nest, retirement). A new area of study/learning, meditation, healing, creative projects, story writing, soothing the soul of all evolved beings (as Magenta is a 5th dimensional energy). Helps with procrastination, any blockage or stuck phase. Bay of Stoer Suevite is a really special crystal - here is why this essence is in the spray! 1.2 billion years ago a meteorite that originated in outer space survived its journey through the atmosphere to reach our planets surface. The meteorite hit Scotland in the vicinity of Stoer Bay, which is where the deposits are found. This stone is one for the adventurous intrepid explorer who is willing to open themselves to unknown territory, just as the adventurous explorers of the past have found previously uncharted lands, so the meteorite deposit invites the exploration of the skies for those willing to adventure on.The meteorite deposit brings awareness of the stargates that can open the doors to other cosmic realms hidden within the earths magnetic field. The success when embarking on an adventure like this depends on the ability to look outside the bubble of 3D existence and reach for a world whilst believing in your own power to live and adventure fully in another reality. We are so often reminded of the phrase As above so below - so adventure on in faith and trust and with open mind and heart. Bon Voyage.Crystal Text - Anne Francies, May 2018.

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