Comes with a FREE protection crystal set! This beautiful little set of crystals comprises of Amethyst, Yellow Tigers Eye, Lapis Lazuli, Red Jasper and Grey Agate in an organza bag.
Spiritual Protection and good spiritual hygiene is essential as we navigate our paths and engage with a world that can be at times hostile, negative, deeply wounded and still in shadow. This is true of our dealings in everyday life via people we physically meet but also those online - bad energy can be directed at us either unintentionally or intentionally. Many people are simply unaware of their behaviour and energy and the effect it can have on others. This is also true of dysfunctional family dynamics too.
We can also pick up negativity and toxicity from media, the entertainment industry, gossip, and the horrors of the world eg war and stories of murder and rape. If we are not protected in some way our energy will become diminished, particularly if we are sensitive and 'take on' the problems of the world and others. It is also true if we are 'over givers' and others take too much from us - or we are in jobs which take a lot out of us emotionally eg counselling, nursing, legal work. When we are depleted (however it has occurred) we are then less able to respond as we may desire - protection is also about insuring we fill our own cup first - as no one can pour from an empty cup.
Another word for protection is fortification - it implies a strengthening rather than a weakened position of doing something because of fear.
We should not be in a fear based state when we use spiritual protection tools - this includes putting on the Armour of God, that can be done in tandem with using these sprays. Rather we are acknowledging the world and its swirling energies is not perfect - but know with 100% faith and trust that we are equipped to be able to deal with that, with easy regular daily practise - in the same way you put on a coat if it is cold - you put on your spiritual protection and then go about your day...
Our Spiritual Protection Bundle comprises of:
Our brand new Spiritual Protection spray, recently updated with all new essential oils and a new crystal essence too.
Essential Oils: Palo Santo, camphor, frankincense, ginger, geranium, eucalyptus, rosemary
Crystal Essence: Pyrite pyramid, shungite dragon tower, hematite, tiger's eye, black tourmaline, black kyanite, smoky quartz, clear quartz
Archangel Michael - Communication and Safety spray
Essential Oils: Angelica, hyssop, geranium, thyme, melissa, yarrow and hyacinth
Note: Hyssop is not recommended for epileptics.
Contains a sodalite crystal chip.
Crystal Essence: Troelite, kyanite, turquoise and amazonite angel.
Optional: Armour of God card saving £1.88 on normal price - choose this option on drop down menu.
Full channelled words for both sprays can be read on their individual listings elsewhere in this shop. However, to get the bundle and free crystals use this link.