Hi from ACC!

Hi how are you?

Tracy here. Hope this finds you well.  Why not grab yourself a coffee or a cuppa and take the weight off your feet for 5 minutes? It's a while since I last did a blog so thought it would be nice to touch base with everyone again. We do keep in touch via the newsletter every month but not everyone is subscribed to that.  If you are, thank you so much for supporting Amanda's work in this way.  If you're not please think about joining us there, it's very easy to do, there is a sign up box at the bottom of the Home page on the www.angeliccelestialcolours.co.uk website and a Newsletter tab on the menu of the Home page on the www.amandaellis.co.uk website.

There are many benefits to being a subscriber. They have access to exclusive offers and discounts on sprays and other products. It's certainly the place to be if you want to hear about Amanda's work, what's coming up next and our plans for new sprays or products etc. She also writes a special message for subscribers only on there each month too.

We are trying to encourage as many people as possible to sign up for it as it's a good way for Amanda to stay in touch outside of social media and with none of the restrictions. The easiest way to subscribe is to tick the box to allow email marketing when you make an order on the website. I understand that many of you might be wary of doing that!  I am myself, I never ever tick those boxes to accept marketing emails!  Don’t worry though, this is different, we do NOT bombard you with unwanted emails, we don’t pass your email onto any third parties either, it is simply and only to get Amanda’s newsletter which only comes out once every 4 to 6 weeks.  That's all. If you don’t order anything on the website you just follow the instructions above and sign up that way. So please think about joining us, we'd love to welcome you there! 

It would be helpful to allow emails from us to your inbox as they are sometimes recognised as marketing emails by your spam filters and don't make it through.

News from Spray HQ

We are still transitioning to the new, printed bottles.  Some sprays will retain a label though, they are Kali-Ma, Sanat Kumara, Merlin, Meta Pirate (as this label carries energy that is vital to the spray), the Children's sprays and the mini sprays will also be keeping labels for the time being. If in any doubt, the website photo will tell you.  If it shows a label then we are still using labels and vice versa.  If you have a strong preference either way you can always contact us at www.amandaellisorders@gmail.com to make sure. If you order a spray set, ie the Archangels, Elements etc. we will make sure all the sprays in that set match, be that either labels or printed bottles.  Which leads me nicely onto telling you about our brand new Elements set!

With new colours for the Earth, Air and Fire Elements this set has had a complete re-style!  They are the same beautiful sprays inside the bottle, it's just the presentation that is different.  The Fire Element is now a two-tone red and yellow bottle so we will no longer have the 2 colour options with this spray. Currently you can choose between red or orange Fire, we’ve also had a yellow option in the past.  Now the energy of all those fiery colours is contained in this one new bottle as where red and yellow meet you get the orange as well, it’s perfect! 

You will notice too that the names have also been tweaked and each spray is now a call to action.  The Earth Element invites us to Ground, the Air Element to just Breathe, Water to let it all Flow, Fire to take Action, Cosmos to Expand. They will come in their own bespoke box as in the photos above.  At present we are using the new printed bottles for Cosmos, Water and Air but we haven't yet started using the new Fire and Earth bottles. However, if you order an Elements set it will be all printed bottles.  Doesn't it look fabulous?!

This box has also inspired us to put together some more sets of sprays.  In the pipeline currently we are planning Return to Wellness, Self Love and a Buddy Box (to support mental health) .  We also want to do a “starter/introductory set”  for those who are new to the Metatron sprays and don't know where to start.  All these sets would contain 5 sprays.  The launch of each box will be announced in the newsletter first so make sure you are signed up to this or tick the box to allow email marketing when you order. 

New Products in the shop

Take a look at the photo attached to the blog, these are all the new products we have just added.

Hamsa Items

I expect many of you will have seen Amanda’s post on social media about the Hamsa and why it came about.  So we wanted to offer some items in the shop for those who might be interested.  We have the most beautiful, carved mango wood backflow burner in the shape of the Hamsa.  There is a lovely black agate gemstone bracelet, it stretches to fit all sizes and has a little twinkly, Hamsa charm on it.  Then we have 2 different sized wall hangings/altar cloths/throws whatever you would like to use them for.  On a black background, they depict the image of the Hamsa in stunning, bright colours.  One is big enough to cover a double bed and the other is a bit smaller, if you just want to use one as an altar cloth or don’t have a large expanse of wall to cover, it’s ideal.  You can also find some information about the Hamsa on the product pages if you’re wondering what it’s all about.

We also have some beautiful new backflow burners.  You know how we love a backflow burner here at Spray HQ!  We have a little baby one that is very reasonably priced, for those who are maybe wondering what all the fuss is about and just want to try it, or for those who just like small things!  It’s the little black ceramic one in the front of picture. Either side of that you will see the Apple and the Pear.  These are also made in ceramic, glazed in a beautiful silver and teal colour.  The incense smoke gently cascades down the central “steps” to pool at the base.  It is truly mesmerising.  We also have 2 different kinds of backflow incense for you to try, one is called 7 Chakras which is to help balance the chakras and the other is Lotus.  Both smell divine.  We also have a variety of white sage mixes and rose, jasmine, nature’s nest (Amanda’s favourite) and nag champa too.  Feel free to email us if there are any others you would like to see. To see any of these items in more details go to the website and click on the Other Products tab at the top.

Random Acts of Kindness

Subscribers to the newsletter will already know this but we recently started practicing random acts of kindness at ACC.  Everyone who places an order will be eligible to receive one.  We pick people at random, on random days and just do something lovely for them. Something that will make them smile or feel good.  They might get a free spray, free shipping, a crystal, some incense, a discount code or a gift voucher.  It could even be something that has belonged to Amanda that she now feels needs a new home. We just want to spread a bit of happiness.  We started it off last week when the person who made the 20,000th order on the shop had their entire payment refunded, along with another little surprise she will find when she opens her parcel.  We will continue to pop these little gifts into random orders so if you find something in your parcel that you haven’t ordered that’s what it will be!  It would be lovely if our random act of kindness inspired others to do the same.

Discounts/Special Offers

We currently have a sale on some of our incense if you’d like to have a look at that.  Also, this month until the 8/8 portal we are offering a discount on the Lemon Joy spray.  Interestingly, it’s an often overlooked spray, we are not sure why, after all, who doesn’t need more joy in their life?! Is it that we tend to focus more on our problems than on living a life of joy?  It is so important, if we can get into a joyful place and stay there, all other problems will melt away on their own.  Lemon is for joy, for happiness, for healing the inner child, for confidence and for laughter. It can also be very helpful if you are trying to control your sugar intake.

It smells amazing with essential oils of:

Marigold, ylang ylang, grapefruit, bergamot, frankincense, jasmine and neroli.

The crystal essence contains:  citrine, golden healer, rutilated quartz, orange calcite, chrysocolla and yellow jasper.

Use the code JOY20 to get 20% off.  Just enter it in the code box when you checkout, alternatively, use this link to buy


and it will automatically deduct your discount when you check out (you won’t see it until you have checked out but don’t worry it will be there!)

I think that’s all for this month, thank you for reading and thank you again for all your support of Amanda’s work, you are appreciated so much.  Take care.

Sending Love and Blessings

Tracy xx