Our new range of Armour of God Pocket Reminders come in 3 different designs - both designs are available in either gold metal or sustainable wood (bamboo) options. We are delighted to now be able to offer you a male version as well.
For the wood versions the image and words are etched into the wood and for the gold cards the image and words are printed in white ink for option 1 (female) and option 2 (male 1) and in colour for option 3 (male 2).
The original card (with artwork specially commissioned for us by Annabel Schofield of A.B.S Art) is still available (option 1) This depicts a powerful image of a strong woman, dressed in her armour on one side and casual clothes on the other. It's a contemporary and popular design, available in either sustainable wood or gold metal.
Option 2 is a very similar image but of a male soldier - it is also available in either wood or gold. Option 3 is another male soldier image, also available in both gold and wood but this image is in colour and says "Armour of God" on the front as well.
The other side of the cards is the same on all 6 options and reminds you of the individual pieces armour - you simply say them aloud each morning to invoke spiritual protection. It acts as a simple aide memoire to help you remember it. Ideal for keeping in your purse, wallet, pocket or beside your bed or on your desk.
All cards are size: 85 mm x 57 mm
The Armour of God (Head to Foot)
The Helmet of Salvation (Awakening)
The Breastplate of Righteousness
The Belt of Truth
The Shield of Faith
The Sword of the Spirit
Feet that walk in Peace
Works well with Spiritual Protection Spray sold separately.