Archangel Metatron Ancestral Healing Spray
Assisting prayer, connection, healing and support to our ancestral line – those known to us and those not, those that are blood relatives and those that are who Archangel Metatron calls ‘water’ relatives (adoption) – all equally valid and able to be assisted by this powerful spray. Intended as a tool to help past, present and future generations – those tied to us by lineage, close Soul group and those whom we travel with through many incarnations playing different roles – typically for each other, so that we learn and grow and can try on many guises as well as work out karma.
As we progress through our own personal ascension journey we are able to identify patterns, behaviours, conditions and circumstances that often repeat through family cycles. This may include for example; addictions, infidelity, profound loss, money issues, missed opportunities, lack of self belief, abuse, abandonment - there are so many variations.
To each repeating energy causing conflict or pain Metatron asks us to go back to the root and bring in healing energies of love, forgiveness, compassion, understanding and closure with the help of this healing spray. You don’t need to know with whom it started – you just need to ask to go back to the root and to realise that a tendril of that is within you, ready to be released too.
Via working with Archangel Metatron you can be the one who helps break the repetitive cycles in your own family line and to say "it stops with me". This should not be viewed as a burden but as an opportunity – one which you will be assisted with also.
The fire red of this spray brings courage, determination, strength and fortitude – divinely protected to be able to energetically look ancestral energy ‘in the face’ and bring in deep transformative change by bringing Metatron’s power to the whole family tree.
Where this tree is damaged, splintered or ‘dis-eased’ healing arrives – aided by crystal, essential oil, colour, sacred geometry and Metatron’s energy itself.
Also helping YOU to feel that this IS possible. That what may have blighted generation after generation CAN be halted and not passed down to the next.
Sitting, meditating, holding the spray, spraying a small amount into your hands and at your feet and Base chakra as well as along the back and spine helps you to establish and clarify what is coming up to be healed.
It is not your job to heal every single ancestor – it is a recommended task however to help ‘tend to the tree’ when you can clearly see something is manifesting now that has roots in the past. That is the job of you as ‘gardener’ – to lovingly care for your lineage, to strengthen it for the future and to benefit from the healthy, happy, back up of ancestral support that feels recognised, valued and loved.
This spray also assists in helping you see the many talents, gifts and areas of resourcefulness that have been passed to you also – reminding you that you are the product of thousands before you and their triumphs and accomplishments lie embedded within you as well.
For truly we carry our ancestry within us anyway – within our hearts, DNA, water and blood – for us to be healthy and happy we need them to be also – and that simply means sending them love, remembering them fondly and for us to wish them well. It also means not seeing them always as stuck in one script, or story, or trauma that befell them – as that traps them to that identity but to start to see them as the flower whose petals are opening to reveal more of who they truly were and are. As they grow in spirit so do you. Nothing is static – everything is fluid – and so to free them from the shackles of their stories frees them from that one snapshot of who they were. They are infinite beings with multiple identities – just as you are and together you create the multi dimensional family tree within which you all reside.
They are also your greatest mirrors to also see what else you need to work on – issues to conquer, dreams to fulfil (that maybe they never had chance to, and you would like to) – they will rejoice with you, wipe away your tears, are proud of who you are and lovingly will tend to you as you tend to them.
Building in time each month or season to truly reflect, rejoice and honour them – honours you.
Using this spray helps in the ritual of that, the remembrance of that and provides a key to unlock the past to free up the future.
Channelled Message Amanda Ellis April 16th 2021
Essential oils: Petitgrain, myrrh, vetiver, cinnamon, rosemary, clove and galbanum.
Crystal essence: Ammonite, haematite in quartz, rutile cabochon, fossilized sea shell with druzy, petrified wood, smoky quartz and chalcopyrite.