Last few remaining!
Our Essence of Christmas Spray
With so much doom and gloom in the world - Christmas has come early to Spray HQ, because frankly a little dose of good tidings, fun, dash of hope and joy is desperately needed right now. I know it's early but for our overseas customers this gives you plenty of time to order and have it arrive for December which isn't that faraway! So let's get organised - no need for any last minute panic - this is a great Stocking Filler or simply a treat for yourself to bless your home in the run up to the holiday period.
Designed as a spray In a 30 ml (mini size) red glass bottle, hand decorated with ribbons, snowflakes and a "made with love" charm, this spray is pure Christmas in a bottle! Using essential oils of Clove, Nutmeg, Ginger, Frankincense, Tangerine, Vanilla and Cinnamon, one spray will have you feeling Christmassy immediately. If you are struggling to get into the Christmas spirit, if you are dreading the holidays because some relationships are less than harmonious, or if you just want to be transported back to the magical Christmases of your childhood, this is the spray for you. It will add a good pinch of Christmas joy as well as carrying the essence of Christ.
From us to you, with love xx
Crystal essences used in this spray were Christ Light and Lemon Joy.
Essential Oils used: Clove, Nutmeg, Ginger, Frankincense, Tangerine, Vanilla and Cinnamon