Merlin Connection & Mentorship – Ascended Master Spray
He who seeks with enquiring mind is thee who will find me in record time
I am but a breath away or a blink of an eye
With wisdom and treasures awaiting and primed
Find me in the river, find me in the creek
Seek me in the verdant grasses and the desert plain or lake
Above the sky and in the earth below
In male and female, young and old
For I am all parts of you and you of me
Wizardry beckons let us learn to be.
For Magic awaits and alchemy too
In the right hands, not of many but a trusted few
In my stewardship and in my grace, I will bring you face to face
With unexpected surprises, gifts galore and old friends and new ways to explore and more
Elemental magic and spiritual law
Toadstools, fairies, dragons and more
Into my caves glistening with jewels – Earth's precious treasures are ours to save
To be respected and cared for as we do
I expect only those who are honest and true
In the right hands are my own heady brews
Not for the faint hearted or the stubborn and stuck
My view of life will take them aback
But if you are ready and willing to try take my hand now my dear and let’s learn how to fly
Over countless countries, dimensions and yes, timelines too
Anything is possible if you choose it too
Only for good – never for harm
My energy for humanity can make many balms
Into my stewardship if you care to pass
Will come fruits and beauty hard to surpass.
From God we receive and for God we graciously serve
All are protected whilst under my gaze
Never abandoned and never alone we will scale the highest peaks and the troubles of home
Into every subject, every decree, we can work on our magic and glorify thee
Not for personal gain or glorious reward
Our work is for all and transmutes all discord
By working for love and holy decree
I welcome you in with loving wise eyes
I wish to stand with you and let’s take this prize
For life is a gift and great abundance is yours – we can weave magic together there is no time to pause.
Words Channelled from Merlin by Amanda Ellis September 21st 2021
Upon receiving this bottle you are recommended to spray once over your crown and once at your feet to welcome Merlin's energy in.
Feel, as an emerald and blue light swirls gently downward and through you – till you feel or visualize your golden slippers placed on your feet and a golden cap on your head these symbolize you as the apprentice ready to work with this great master teacher.
Let the journey begin…
This Connection and Mentorship spray is the first to be launched – Merlin says there will be another to come which supports this one when we are fully initiated into his ways and energy.
This first spray is intended to be a ‘getting to know you’ spray – an introduction to who he is, how he works and his energy signature.
There are many myths and legends about Merlin – he exists in a different dimensional realm which is why there is conjecture over whether he lived here on Earth or not. He says he has always actually been here – just that you need to be at certain energetic vibration to be able to connect to him. If you are interested in Merlin – YOU ARE AT THAT LEVEL. It is about a belief and trust in the magical dimensions – what you cannot see with your naked eye but can feel with other senses.
You can of course read up on some of the old stories linked to his energy, but it is more about what he IS NOW that matters.
Yes, he is linked to Arthurian legend and Avalon – and you can travel there with him if you so wish – but truly he is here to help with NOW – 21st century issues, problems and wants to help us break free from our limitations and old belief structures – by igniting the wizard within all of us … our own alchemical powers.
A second spray to be launched in late 2021 or early 2022 (awaiting his nod that we are ready) it will be a tool to help weave certain light ‘spells’ – but only when he knows we can be trusted with the tools – he is a hard task master and only opens up the vaults of the most sacred knowledge to those with right minds and hearts to be able to understand and use it wisely. I have no doubt that we all will pass Merlin's test and I for one commend him for safeguarding ancient skills that in the wrong hands can do harm.
Merlin will only work with those of the highest integrity, purity and intentions – this spray is to get us ready and will also be one we use going forward anytime we wish to learn more about who he is, what he can do and to ignite that magic within ourselves.
Look out for his signs he is around – we will check as to what they are as a community. Please give us feedback on this spray and what it reveals and helps you with – I am ready for this magical mystery tour in safe hands -so shall we begin?
Essential Oils used in this spray:
Patchouli, Lime, Ravensara, Fir, Rosemary, Lavender, Sweet Marjoram, Lemon, Spikenard.
Crystals Used in the making of this spray:
Merlinite, Howlite, Golden Labradorite, Kammerite and Herkimar Diamond
Merlinite – strengthens magical and psychic abilities, aids in journeying, past life recall, mediumship, luck and a lot more!
Howlite - strengthens memory and desire for knowledge.
Golden Labradorite - brings inner strength, seeing the divine plan (magic) in every day situations, spiritual focus.
Kammerite - helps with spiritual awakening, opens the crown chakra, clears the energetic body for upgrade to the heart, third eye and brain.
Herkimar Diamond - is a stone of attunement.