New improved blend Jan 25 - we have doubled the amount of essential oils in the Cosmos spray
Be all that you came here to be. You are so much more than you realise, and not just the world is available to you. You can also access to the wider universe from which everything is created. By working with this Elemental spray (which makes up the mysterious fifth element) you dive into fifth dimensional consciousness and are able to be the master of your own world, creator of all you see and do, and allowing universal law, energy and love to run through you.
No longer are you confined to just a pure physical body. You are unchained from confines that keep you small and you reach up, expand and bring down all the many gifts and blessings from this loving universe that is here to help, not hinder you.
You are of the stars and of the earth. Your Galactic links to other star systems, galaxies and planets is honoured by this energy. Maybe there is a Galactic being here, waiting to meet you, brought here for you by Metatron as his energy spans the entire universe. Here, time, space and dimensions merge and you can be anything, tap into anything, all under the care, support and safety of Archangel Metatron.
The violet light within this spray is purifying and balancing all aspects of your being so you can find stillness, connection, and the presence of your eternal soul.
Hear and listen to the whispering of your soul. What does it say? What does it yearn for?
Here is an aid to help bring in new creative forces. The magic of the universe and all encompassing light from which everything is made is now open to you.
Filling your light body with light, you remember who you really are, a being of light so bright that no one can dim or tarnish you.
You are light. You are the creator. You are living consciousness made manifest.
What do you need now? Ask and it shall be given.
Awaken the mystery of life and the jewels that lie waiting to be claimed. Breathe in the stuff of life itself and suspend this reality to step into a new dimension.
50ml Energy Spray.
Essential Oils: Ylang ylang, gardenia and bergamot.
Crystal Essence: Galaxyite, moldavite, brookite, astaraline, apidote and prehnite, sauralite azeztulite and campo del cielo.
Other Archangel Metatron Sprays that compliment Cosmos Spray include:
· Magenta Divine Love
· Sapphire - Peace