Archangel Michael Safety & Communication

Archangel Michael Safety & Communication

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'I am here to keep you safe and to help you know that you are protected always. Whatever you face in life know that I am always here, always with you and right beside you.

To be truly safe in this conflicted world enables you to stretch your wings and fly.  I have all bases covered, all angles taken care of.  I am watching your back, and I am watching from above.  Sense my Sparkling Sapphire Star above you lighting the way and casting its blue ray before you too.  The Star is lit through day and night, through storm and stillness, and the path upon which you walk with me is paved with this blue light.  Each step is cleared and ready for your feet to pass upon.

I am your ally and your friend, yet I am also your Teacher.  I seek not to do it for you but to instruct you to find that deep well of safe support within yourself, for you are divine and have all within you that you could ever need.

I shall show you that you ARE safe and to learn to trust and have faith, to expect and anticipate only safety and then that shall become your norm.

Lean into your own support system, the people and structures in your life that offer nourishment and see me reflected back in them.  If none exist, ask me to bring to you those that can offer such support and safety net, and I shall gladly do so – be that in family matters, finance, business or any other area needing more strength.

I am within the walls of your home, keeping you dry and warm,  I am in or around the car or plane as you travel, I am there for the big and small things and am around your amazing Earth too.

Many on your planet need to learn truths and to aspire to a higher standard of living and being for all.

Let me help you to inspire others with your clarity which can be crystal clear.

Be the peaceful voice in a crowd of anger

Be the resolute warrior in a group of lost souls.

Be the speaker of truths to those who are ready to hear.

Be the ears prepared to listen to those less fortunate.

Be the mouthpiece for those that cannot talk for themselves including young children and animals, those with dementia or who are otherwise rendered speechless.

Be the safe place in the storm for others to shelter with.

Be the quiet, still voice when others around you give their misguided advice.

Be my ambassador here on Earth.

Be my voice piece.

For I wish to work through and connect with you.

For I see you, I hear you, I listen to you.

I am Archangel Michael and all is well'

30 & 50ml Energy Spray.

Archangel Michael is a powerful warrior, defender and protector against evil and all that is fallen light - revered in multiple faiths and able to be called on by all in times of need, emergency and everyday help. 

He works on the blue ray, and this colour is an important sign he may be around you, as well as a way to connect to him. 


Essential Oils:  Angelica, hyssop, geranium, thyme, melissa, yarrow and hyacinth.

Contains a sodalite crystal chip.

Crystal Essence:  Troelite, kyanite, turquoise and amazonite angel.

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Based on 23 reviews
Lynda Parker
Fantastic products and customer service

Fantastic products and customer service.

Pearl Milner
My meditation spray for Archangel Michael.

I am delighted with the spray. I have a strong sense of smell that others can't. I find it very pleasant and use it to help me meditate.

Lorraine McLean
I love the Archangel Michael spray.

I love the Archangel Michael spray., thank you so much Ananda and team for such a beautiful product.

Helps me connect to him

The smell of this spray is deep and strong (if a smell can be strong?!). It has been so helpful for me when I need a boost of courage or confidence.

Marie Pullar
Comforting Metatron

I feel more relaxed within my situation,Thank you.