Fear Fighter Children's Spray
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Fear Fighter Children's Spray

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Let me show you how to fight fear.  How to blast it away and be the warrior that you are who may sense and feel fear but won't let it beat them.

I am Archangel Metatron and I fight anything that frightens you.  I also equip you with a sling of arrows filled with my fiery energy to target anyone or anything that worries or concerns you...  I will teach you to face your fears - to not run away from them - but to realise that you are always equipped with exactly what you need at any moment to win, triumph and succeed.

How can you not with me by your side as Teacher and Guide?  Nothing frightens me or troubles me for I know that my light is stronger than anything in this great universe, and yours will be too.  Feel upon your back the weight of my might and my ability to protect you and shield you from that which troubles you.

Like clouds in a bright, sunny sky my energy, like the wind, can push away the shadows and return you to hope, positivity and confidence.

There is nothing to fear my child.  I am here, I am with you.  From me you will learn how thoughts can be changed and how anything that seems heavy can be filled by my light to steer you.

Fear is also something that everyone has, so do not be critical of yourself for feeling it.  I will show you that by confronting it and doing things, even if you feel shaky inside, you will grow stronger.  It is so true that only by doing brave things do we become brave! So I will also encourage you to tackle what needs doing, face what needs facing...  warriors don't run after all do they? They stand and fight.  But we fight with love.  We fight our own fears and we fight to become stronger and stronger.  Together we can do anything, achieve anything, face anything.

I hope you are ready because I am.  Come let us do this together. It is time, as I am now here.  Be brave.  You have a lion's heart, a warrior's soul and me by your side. There is NOTHING to really be that frightened of any longer.

Please note we do not recommend these sprays for children under the age of 3

50ml Energy Spray.

Essential Oils:  Lavender, benzoin, mandarin, cedarwood, melissa, frankincense and roman chamomile. 

Crystal Essence:  Generator quartz, nirvana quartz, blue amber, red tiger's iron, black kyanite and blue lace agate.

Nirvana Quartz 

The 'Stone of Protection', brings forth protection to its surroundings, whether indoors or outdoors, and makes a very beneficial guardian of the family home.

Quartz overall is a high vibrational stone with a very pure and self-adjusting energy. It works on the whole of the being, the whole of an atmosphere and widely strengthens the energy output of other crystals and minerals. It is a stone mainly in its clear pure form that can be called upon when seemingly all else fails, or when there is confusion of what other crystal or mineral to connect with. In its different forms it does have differing offerings, yet with the same undertones.

Nirvana Quartz is excellent for placing as a grid section, it helps to protect the oneself, others and area from environmental stresses, especially electro-magnetic fields and frequencies also known as EMF. This also makes it a beneficial stone to place around any electrical items.

A stone that will be helpful in areas where there is, or has been a lot of tension, to cleanse and bring a more peaceful atmosphere.

Nirvana Quartz is especially protective around children and will be of great benefit kept in areas around them safely, such as out of reach in sleeping and play areas.

This stone tunes well to its keepers and those near it often, making it an easy stone to tell when it could benefit from charging or even if it is no longer needed for its chosen use.

Nirvana Quartz will amplify other stones of protection immensely, as well as helping to give some balance to stones that are conjoined, yet do not work to well in harmony together.

Use this stone to help one to determine if a crystal or mineral is the right choice to become the keeper of, or when choosing a crystal or mineral for others."

Katie Jacqueline - October 2008

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Susan Brochin
I love your sprays

Everything arrived in a timely manner. I adore your sprays.

Jacqueline Bott

I’m due to have a shoulder replacement (the 1st of 2. I had a hip replacement 4 years ago and was very unwell after it,so I’m afraid of this upcoming op…so I purchased This Fear Fighter Spray,I know it’s for children I’m in my second childhood…77. This adorable spray is fresh and up lifting and lasts on me for quite awhile…it is wonderful,it helps me so much,I’m glad I have it.